To Sit In Thought 1



“To Sit In Thought 1”

Magna Series, 2018-2019

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 48 x 36 in.

Year: 2019

Includes careful packing and shipping to anywhere in the US. Inquire about international shipping fees.


Magna Series

Each painting in this series is an abstraction of an overarching issue — whether political, global, or personal. The word “magna” means “great” in Latin, and for this set of paintings it reflects the greater idea behind each. In another sense, it reflects the way I strive to combine colors and shapes to create a harmonious composition that’s presence compliments our everyday surroundings. Both actively and innately, I put a positive spin on thoughts as I constantly try to solve problems that arise. I believe that brings to life the best outcomes, so in this series I aimed to envision the most positive outcome and conveyed that through shapes, marks, and colors.

Taking the time to sit and think is as necessary as it is superfluous… It become a luxury for me at the time I painted this. My thought process was steeped in multi-tasking, feeling grateful, taking care of business, problem solving, and loving. As a mother, wife, and adult, it is sometimes overwhelming to do all tasks at hand, and I often didn’t have time to take my time or do frivolous self-rewarding, recreational activities. This painting represents the amalgamation of tasks at hand, the chaos of life, and then taking the time to sit and think on my own for a moment (in spite of all that).

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